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ID: Three models with disabilities waiting to walk the runway in Recondition looks
About Us
Founded in 2023, Recondition has already had an amazing journey to releasing its first product.

id: rae, a wheelchair user in a denim jumpsuit and fur bolero
Our Design Process
The people we design for are at the heart of the way we design.
See our latest News and Events
Galentines Party
In February, Recondition hosted a Galentines Party that went down an absolute storm.
Galentines Party
In February, Recondition hosted a Galentines Party that went down an absolute storm.
Recondition is a Finalist for The Stephen Lloyd...
Recondition has been shortlisted for the Stephen Lloyd Awards
Recondition is a Finalist for The Stephen Lloyd...
Recondition has been shortlisted for the Stephen Lloyd Awards